The Annual Conference of the Max Perlman Center for Global Business

אתם מוזמנים לכנס השנתי של מרכז מקס פרלמן בנושא:

Reflections on Business Strategy in the Current Global Game


17 במאי 2016, 17:00 
בניין רקנאטי , חדר 253 
The Annual Conference of the Max Perlman Center for Global Business

אתם מוזמנים לכנס השנתי של מרכז מקס פרלמן בנושא:  

Reflections on Business Strategy in the Current Global Game

תכנית הכנס:

Greetings: Prof. Gadi Ariav, Head, Max Perlman Center for Global Business

Opening remarks: Prof. Moshe Zviran, Dean

Mr. Michael Perlman, Representative of the Perlman Family


“Developing an Indian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Experimental Efforts of the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore”

Prof. Suresh Bhagavatula

Chairperson, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development

The N. S. Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL)

Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore


Corporate vs. Start-up: Experiences from a Global Perspective”

Mr. Eran Ofir

CEO and Co-Founder, Somatix, Inc.


Insights and Lessons Learned from the 2015 Global Business Studies (GBS) 2015 Project:  Krausz Industries

Prof. Gadi Ariav, Head, Max Perlman Center for Global Business

Members of GBS Project 2015 winning team


Closing remarks:  Prof. Gadi Ariav, Head, Max Perlman Center for Global Business


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