פרופ' אלינור עמית

סגל אקדמי בכיר בהפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר

General Information

Prof. Elinor Amit is an Associate Professor at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University. Amit received her  Ph.D. in Psychology from Tel Aviv University in 2009. She then completed two postdoctoral fellowships, one at the Psychology Department at New York University and the other at the psychology Department at Harvard University.

Prof. Amit’s research is concerned with how domain-general systems such as the visual and language systems affect people’s thoughts, feelings, judgments, and behavior in the social world. An additional research interest is moral decision-making. Amit’s work was published in leading academic journals, including Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and NeuroImage, and has been covered in media outlets such as NPR, The Huffington Post, and Scientific American.


Fields of Research

  • Applied social psychology
  • Consumer behavior
  • Moral judgment
  • Styles of thought

Selected Publications

Amit, E., Danziger, S., & Smith, P. K. (2022). Medium is a powerful message: Pictures signal less power than words. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 169, 104132.

Amit, E., Han, E., Posten, A. C., & Sloman, S. (2020). How people judge institutional corruption. Conn. L. Rev., 52, 1121.


Torrez, B., Wakslak, C., & Amit, E. (in press). Dynamic distance: Use of visual and verbal means of communication as social signals. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85


Lee, J. J., Ong, M., Parmar, B., & Amit, E. (2019). Lay theories of effortful honesty: Does the honesty–effort association justify making a dishonest decision?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(5), 659.


Amit, E., Rim, S., Halbeisen, G., Priva, U. C., Stephan, E., & Trope, Y. (2019). Distance-dependent memory for pictures and words. Journal of Memory and Language, 105, 119-130.


Amit E, Koralnik J, Posten A-C, Muethel M, Lessig L. (2017). Institutional corruption revisited: exploring open questions within the institutional corruption literature. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 26, 447.


Amit, E., Hoeflin, C., Hamzah, N., & Fedorenko, E. (2017). An asymmetrical relationship between verbal and visual thinking: Converging evidence from behavior and fMRI. NeuroImage, 152, 619-627.


Miller J, Amit E, Posten A-C. Behavioral Economics. In: Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Springer ; 2015.


Soderberg CK, Callahan SP, Kochersberger A, Amit E, Ledgerwood A. The effect of psychological distance on abstraction: A meta-analysis of construal level theory. Psychological Bulletin. 2014.


Rim, S., Amit, E., Fujita, K., Trope, Y., Halbeisen, G., & Algom, D. (2015). How words transcend and pictures immerse: On the association between medium and level of construal. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(2), 123-130.


Amit, E., Wakslak, C., & Trope, Y. (2013). The use of visual and verbal means of communication across psychological distance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(1), 43-56.


Amit, E., & Greene, J. D. (2012). You see, the ends don’t justify the means: Visual imagery and moral judgment. Psychological science, 23(8), 861-868.


Amit, E., Mehoudar, E., Trope, Y., & Yovel, G. (2012). Do object-category selective regions in the ventral visual stream represent perceived distance information?. Brain and cognition, 80(2), 201-213.


Amit, E., Algom, D., & Trope, Y. (2009). Distance-dependent processing of pictures and words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138(3), 400.

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