Meetup: Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Finance in the Cyber World

An exclusive event with Gil Shwed of Checkpoint and Dr. Guy Navon of Discount Tech

Event in Hebrew

23 במאי 2023, 18:30 
צ'ק פוינט הסוללים תל אביב-יפו, מחוז תל אביב 
Meetup: Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Finance in the Cyber World

Coller Ignite Entrepreneurship club, in a cooperation with Checkpoint, Discount Tech and TAU Computer Students Club, is excited to invite you to our upcoming event!


What is expected?

18:30 Opening of doors and refreshments

19:00 Event Begins- Opening words

* Lecture by Dr. Guy Navon, CEO of Discount-Tech on financing, cyber and entrepreneurship

* Live interview with Gil Shwed, founder and CEO of Check Point

* After the discussion,  a visit to the cyber center and meetings with HR representatives and cyber researchers!


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