Surviving the Storms: Overcoming FoodTech Challenges in Today’s Reality

Mingle with top foodtech experts and enthusiasts in an english-speaking event about the current state of foodtech

Coller Startup Competition – Foodtech Track along with CPT Capital and Foodhack invite you to an amazing meetup for food and FoodTech entrepreneurs and innovators.

19 באפריל 2023, 18:30 
Lion Hall, Recanati Building 
Surviving the Storms: Overcoming FoodTech Challenges in Today’s Reality


Global economy is in turmoil. Inflation is rising. SVP bank disappeared. The startup nation is going through a storm. The scaleup nation is not found in your neighborhood. And you need to secure investors for the next round.

Now what?

Whether you're growing your FoodTech venture, looking to connect with startups to invest in or want to network with other like-minded professionals - this event is for you.

In this event a panel of leading FoodTech founders and investors, from Israel and beyond, will discuss with the crowd their challenges, share real life stories and advice how to overcome today’s turmoil times.


Guest Speakers

Didier Toubia - CEO & Co Founder Aleph Farms

Daphna Miller – CEO & Co Founder Imagene Foods

Ilan Samish – CEO & Founder Amai Protein

Harry Kalms - Associate CPT capital

Ilanit Kabessa - Cohen - Head of Foodtech Track, Coller Startup Competition & Urika Partners


Ofek Ron - CEO Plantish & FoodHack Ambassador


General information

Date and time: Wednesday, April 19 · 6:30 - 9:30pm CEST

Location: Lion Hall, Recanati Building, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

The event is in English.

The event is free but registration is necessary - mobile e-ticket.



The Coller Startup Competition. Submissions to the Coller Startup Competition FoodTech track is open till May 10th:

FoodHack is a global community for FoodTech founders and funders. We inspire, highlight and help fund Foodtech ventures.


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