סמינר בהתנהגות ארגונית

50 years of creativity research: What do we know, and what can we use and apply?


09 בדצמבר 2014, 14:00 
חדר 403  

פרופסור שלמה מי-טל מהפקולטה להנדסה, תעשייה וניהול בטכניון.


Creativity is widening the range of choices.  Scholars have seriously researched creativity for 50 years.  Sternberg notes that creativity is a decision (to be creative) and decision-making can be developed and strengthened. Children score at genius level (Torrance) in creativity and rapidly decline; only 2 % score ‘genius’ as adults! Creativity is a combination of discovery (ideas) and delivery (implementation), which are almost orthogonal and involve vastly different skills. This chapter reviews creativity in Hollywood,  jazz,  problem-solving, and humor. Creativity CAN be learned. It can also be killed.  Creativity results from the interaction of genes and environment (GxE, “epigenetics”).  Brainstorming has proved ineffective; there are several structured approaches to creativity that have proved successful. 



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