סמינר במימון חשבונאות

       Active CDS Trading and Managers’ Voluntary Disclosure (co-authored with Dushyantkumar Vyas, Jae B. Kim, Pervin Shroff)

25 בנובמבר 2014, 11:00 
חדר 408 

Speaker:        Prof. Regina Wittenberg-Moerman, the university of Chicago Booth


We investigate how the development of the credit default swap (CDS) market affects firms’ voluntary disclosure choices. The CDS market has been criticized for its vulnerability to insider

trading by informed lenders who trade on borrowers’ private information. We predict that the threat of private information revelation in the spreads of actively traded CDSs will pressure

managers into enhancing their voluntary disclosures to mitigate the litigation and reputation risks associated with non-disclosure. Consistent with our prediction, we find that managers are more likely to issue earnings forecasts when their firms have actively traded CDSs. Our results also suggest that liquid CDSs discipline managers to disclose bad news earnings forecasts, despite their career- and wealth-related incentives to withhold adverse information. In addition to disclosures via management forecasts, we document that liquid CDSs also enhance disclosure via firm-initiated press releases. Our findings suggest that informed trading by lenders in the CDS market results in a positive externality for capital markets by eliciting enhanced voluntary disclosures, thus contributing to a richer information environment.



The article will be available for download from the Finance-Accounting seminar website:






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