סמינר במימון חשבונאות

Product Market Linkages and Managerial Risk Taking

Prof. Jayant Kale, Georgia State University & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

19 במרץ 2013, 14:00 
בניין רקנאטי ,חדר 408  
סמינר במימון חשבונאות



A firm’s customers and suppliers make relationship-specific investments (RSI) whose value reduces if the firm undertakes risky investments. We hypothesize that the risk-taking incentives in the firm CEO’s compensation will lower the RSI by firms up and down in the vertical channel. We provide significant evidence that customer/supplier RSI declines with the risk-taking incentives of the firm’s CEO. Moreover, we find that RSI is more sensitive to the CEO’s risk-taking incentives when they are more likely to increase the firm’s cash flow volatility. Our findings are robust to correcting for endogeneity and several measures for RSI and risk taking.

The article can be downloaded from the Finance Accounting seminar webpage:



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