רציונליות מוגבלת: תאוריה וניסויים

Bounded Rationality: Theory and Experiments

December 11-13, 2022

11 בדצמבר 2022, 8:30 
אוניברסיטת תל אביב, הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר, קומה 4, חדר 405 
רציונליות מוגבלת: תאוריה וניסויים


The development of theoretical models goes hand in hand with experimental research. Experiments may inform us regarding the weaknesses of existing theories and point in the direction of the required remedies.  This workshop brings together economic theorists and experimentalists who study bounded rationality to discuss this symbiotic relation.  

​The workshop includes talks, a poster session, and a panel discussion on future directions in bounded rationality. The list of confirmed speakers appears below. 

The workshop is supported by the Solomon Lew Center for Consumer Behavior center and by  funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 952574.



Participation is free but space is limited.


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