סמינר במימון חשבונאות

(Busy Directors are Detrimental to Corporate Governance (co-authored with Keren Bar-Hava and Baruch Lev



26 בפברואר 2013, 14:00 
בניין רקנאטי ,חדר 408  
סמינר במימון חשבונאות

Speaker: Prof. Feng Gu, State University of New York at Buffalo




The busy director (multi-directorships) phenomenon increased in recent years, despite the substantial rise in directors’ responsibility and time demands. Busy directors are more experienced and better connected than single-firm directors, but also more distracted. The empirical evidence on the tradeoff between these two effects on board effectiveness is mixed.

We depart from previous research by examining the reaction to a busy director’s resignation by the shareholders of the companies that still keep the director on their board. Our findings indicate that when busy directors resign from a board, the investors of firms that continue boarding the director react positively to the news of the resignation. Investor reaction is more

positive when there is a larger demand for the director’s services, when the resignation frees up more time for the director, and when the director is of higher quality. Our analysis suggests that three directorships are perceived optimal by investors. Finally, investors’ positive reaction to the resignation of directors from other companies fails to fully capture the governance benefits of

such resignation.



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