כלכלת עסקים ואסטרטגיה

Igal Hendel and Yossi Spiegel, “Small Steps for Workers, a Giant Leap for Productivity,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2014, 6(1): 73–90


Carlo Cambini and Yossi Spiegel, “Investment and Capital Structure of Partially Private Regulated Firms,”  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2016, Vol. 25(2), 487-515


Ayala Arad and Ariel Rubinstein, "The 11-20 Money Request Game: A Level-k Reasoning Study," American Economic Review, 2012, 102(7), 3561-73.


Ayala Arad and Ariel Rubinstein, "Strategic Tournaments," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2013, 5(4), 31-54.


 Itai Ater and Vardit Landsman, ”Do Customers Learn from Experience? Evidence from Retail Banking”. 2013, Management Science, 59(9), 2019 – 2035


Itai Ater and Eugene Orlov, “The Effect of the Internet on Performance and Quality: Evidence from the Airline Industry”. 2015, Review of Economics and Statistics 97(1), 180 – 194


Hanna Halaburda and Yaron Yehezkel, “The Role of Coordination Bias in Platform Competition”. 2016 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 25(2), pp. 274 – 312.


David Zvilichovsky, Yael Inbar and Ohad Barzilay, “Playing Both Sides of the Market: Success and Reciprocity on Crowdfunding Platforms”. 2013 Proceedings of the 34th International conference on Information Systems


Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire, "Making Medicare Advantage a Middle-Class Program”. The Journal of Health Economics, 32, 2013, 463– 473.


Thomas G. McGuire, Jacob Glazer, Joseph P. Newhouse, Sharon-Lise Normand, Julie Shi, Anna D. Sinaiko, and Samuel Zuvekas, “Integrating Risk Adjustment and Enrollee Premiums in Health Plan Payment”. The Journal of Health Economics, 32, 2013.


Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, “Complex Questionnaires”. Econometrica, 82, 1529-1541, 2014.


Gabrielle Gayer and Dotan Persitz, "Negotiation across Multiple Issues". Theoretical Economics, Vol. 11(3), September 2016, 937-969.

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