פרופ' ליאת הדר

פרופ'  ליאת הדר

מידע כללי

Prof. Liat Hadar is a senior lecturer at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University. Before Joining Tel Aviv University she was a faculty member at the Arison School of management at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya and a visiting scholar and a lecturer at UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Liat Hadar studied consumer decision making. Specifically, her research investigates how consumers' perceived level of knowledge influences their judgments and decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty, independently of how much they actually know.
In another line of research, she examines how consumers' past experience influences future choices under uncertainty. Her research has been published in leading marketing and psychology journals including the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research and Psychological Science.

קורות חיים

תחומי מחקר

Consumer Behavior, Judgment and Decision Making, Behavioral Economics, Consumer Knowledge, Experience-Based Decision Making.

פרסומים נבחרים

פרסים ומענקי מחקר

2014 – 2017 - Principal investigator (with Shai Danziger), Do Local Contextual Cues Influence    Retailer Choice under Price Uncertainty? Israel Science Foundation, 390,000 NIS.

2010 – 2014 - Principal investigator, Subjective Knowledge and Consumer Choice, Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants (IRG), €100,000.

2005 - Experimental Psychology Society Study Visit Grant, University College London.

2004 - Fulbright Fellow for Israeli Doctoral Dissertation students.

2003 - "The Jane Beattie Memorial Scholarship", awarded by the American Society for Judgment and Decision Making.

2002 - Winner of the student poster competition, 2002 SJDM annual meeting.

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