$ IGNITE by Coller- Meetup#2- How I Raised My First Million

 Come and hear how the founders of Cheq.AI,  NoTraffic &R2 Wireless raised their funds

Event in English

16 באפריל 2024, 18:00 
The Coller School of Management, Recanati Building (Room 103) 
 $ IGNITE  by Coller- Meetup#2- How I Raised My First Million


Wondering how to secure that elusive first million?

Join us for an eye-opening event, "How I raised my 1st million dollars," featuring industry titans who've been there, done that, and are ready to share!

A meetup with practical advice and networking opportunities that could change the course of your startup journey!

Hurry, limited seats available!

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Guy Tytonovich, CHEQ.AI CEO and Co-Founder, will guide us through his journey of crossing the chasm of endless "No's" towards raising the first funds and building a sustainable company & business model.

Or Sela, Co-Founder & CSO of NoTraffic (TAU Alumni), played a crucial role in the creation of an innovative autonomous traffic management platform, initially leading R&D and now focusing on solutions and innovation.

Yiftach Richter, Founder & CTO of R2 Wireless, is a PhD researcher and a technology expert in Wireless Communication, Signal Processing, and AI.??




 Guy Navon (PhD), CEO at Discount Tech, Discount Bank

 Orel Derei, Chairman at Ignite by Coller Entrepreneurship Club at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University



 Tel Aviv University, The Coller School of Management, Recanati Building (Room 103)


CHEQ.AI provides advanced threat protection to the world's leading companies, keeping their digital assets, marketing, revenue, and data safe from bots and 3rd party manipulation.

NoTraffic is an innovative technology company revolutionizing traffic management through its autonomous platform. This cutting-edge solution leverages AI and real-time data to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and enhancing safety on roads.


R2 is pioneering new advances in wireless sensing research to defend against the unseen.R2 protects both military and non-military assets, interests, and infrastructure.


Thanks to our amazing sponsors!

Discount Tech

Goldfarb Seligman


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